Monday, October 5, 2009


Title of Activity: Counting to 100

Reference Section:

HMH Publishers. (n.d.). Kings List of Online Math Activities. Retrieved October 4, 2009, from

Apples for the Teacher. (2004). 100 Number Chart. Retrieved October 4, 2009, from

Grade Level: 1

Subject: Mathematics

Brief Description of Activity:

Students will go to the first website and complete the number counting activity by filling in the blanks where numbers are missing. This will be used as a warm up activity to refresh their minds on counting from 1 to 100. They will then move to the second website where they will use the number chart skip count by 2’s, 5’s, and 10’s. They will select a different color for each multiple and fill in the chart and print it off to bring to be marked. The printed off number chart will then be used to examine some patterns when skip counting.

General Learner Outcome:

Develop a number sense.

Specific Learner Outcomes:

Say the number sequence 0 to 100 by:

1’s forward

2’s forward from 0 to 20

5’s and 10’s forward from 0 to 100

ICT Outcomes:

C.6.1.3 use technology to support and present conclusions

C.7.1.3 draw conclusions from organized information

C.7.1.4 make predictions based on organized information

P.5.1.2 access hyper linked sites on an intranet or the Internet

Rationale for Computer Integration:

I think math can be a very dry, boring subject for most students. I hope the integration of technology into the subject spices it up a bit for the children. Having activities online allows the students to complete the work on their own time. Working on the computer allows them to make mistakes and work through them. In the first online activity, when they type in a wrong answer then computer tells them so. This gives them an opportunity to know when they have made a mistake and work through it. Working with something other than paper and a pencil to explore math is an exciting way to grab students’ attention.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Sam! I think this is a good activity for students and integrates ICT very well into this math lesson.
